Tag Archives: NT scan

NT Scan

It feels like it’s been a while since I’ve written.   Things have been busy and it’s becoming hard keeping this secret of being pregnant.   I’m currently over 13 weeks and we had our NT scan on Wednesday.  The woman that did it was awesome.

She spent about 25 minutes with us and we got to see the baby for a long time.   The baby didn’t want to cooperate so we got to see it for a long time.  It was kicking a little and when the tech tried to get it to roll over it lifted its fist up and was almost shaking it at her!  Too cute!

We got to count the fingers and toes and they are all there.   She said that the NT scan looked perfect and that they would send my bloodwork out to get the full results.  We got a bunch of photos including an adorable one of the foot!   The woman also gave us a gender guess but said there was no way she could be sure, it was just a guess.

We also told my parents last weekend.  My mother’s reaction was priceless.  We gave them a grandparents Valentine’s Day card.  They read the outside and didn’t say anything but once they got to the insane my mom went nuts.  She had her hands over her mouth, her feet started going, she screamed, and immediately started crying.  It was great!  Too bad we didn’t get it on film.   My dad got a little teary eyed too.  It was great.

We also told my brother.  He seemed very excited for us and was excited to be an uncle.   I can’t wait to start telling other people as well.  I know I’m far enough along but I’m still just nervous.   I had planned on telling people at work this week but I think I’ll be waiting until next week when I’m almost 15 weeks.  It’s crazy how fast the time is going!