Category Archives: monitoring

37 weeks + an Ultrasound

Holy cow guys!  I’m 37 weeks pregnant today!  I can’t even believe it.   Little man has been moving around like crazy the last few days and I think he’s ready to come out.

Can I just say how thankful I am that I’m a teacher?  I haven’t had to work since the beginning of June and I’m so grateful.  I’m not sure how I would have been able to work up until my due date.  I’ve had a pretty easy pregnancy but the last 2 or 3 weeks have been rough.  I feel huge, the baby is up and moving throughout the night so I’m having trouble sleeping, and I’m just exhausted.

We did manage to finish the nursery last week so that’s been nice.  We painted it, built the crib, the changing table, and have gotten the Pack N Play, Rock N Play, Bassinet, and Kick N Play Piano built.   I had the nurse at the hospital put in my car seat for me.   All that’s left is to hang pictures on the wall in the nursery and build the stroller.

I did have an ultrasound 2 weeks ago as a follow up.  They were able to guess the weight of the baby as around 6 pounds at that time.  I can’t believe he’s that big!  They also said he is head down and super low in my pelvis so he can come any time.   The tech said he’s actually squished down there and running out of room so I’m hoping he comes sooner then later.  I’m ready to meet the little dude!

As for a name, we still don’t have one.  We do have a list of about 5 names that we are working from so at least we have an idea of what we might call him.  I think it’s probably going to come down to a game time decision once he is born.

As for me, I’m tired.   I feel huge but I’ve gained a solid 30 pounds which is right where my doctor wanted me to be so I do feel good about that.   It’s just now the baby is pushing on me all the time since he’s running out of room.  I’ve been taking some naps which is unusual for me but I need it.  Heartburn is in full force but otherwise I’m still doing pretty well.  I’m getting around, working on things, cooking, etc.

I am starting my weekly appointments this week and they will check to see if I’m dilated at all.  I’m excited, nervous, and just ready for him to be here.  The next time I post I might be a mom!   How crazy is that?   It’s only taken us 4 years but it’s finally here!

Third Trimester

I can’t believe how quickly the time is flying by!   So many things have happened in the last 6 weeks.   At 24 weeks we had our repeat anatomy scan.  Everything looked good and they were able to see everything they needed to see.  They said baby boy looked good and he weighed about 2 pounds!

The ultrasound tech asked if she could play around a bit and we found out they had a 4D machine!   She tried to get the baby’s face for about 45 minutes but he kept his hands over his face.  It was adorable.  She finally got a photo of his little face and it was love at first sight.  He’s adorable and looks a lot like my husband.  I can’t wait to meet him!

I also had my first shower 2 weeks ago at work.  It was really nice.   We had cake, I made cookies, and all my work friends came.  We got a ton of gift cards which I can’t wait to use, a Pack-N-Play, a Rock-N-Play, and Kick-N-Play Piano, some diapers, wipes, a swaddle, books, and a few toys.  Oh and the baby bathtub! Plus one of my work friends made us an adorable quilt I can’t wait to put on the crib. It was really fun.

We finally got rid of the bed in the baby’s room and I cleaned out all the furniture and the closet.  We’ve started packing things into the closet.   My goal is to have the room totally cleaned out, painted, and the crib set up by the end of June.  I’ll be 33 weeks then and we’ll be ready to roll.  We have 4 weeks to do this and I’m hoping we get it done!

I’ve also made it to the third trimester!  I still can’t believe I’m here.  I’m actually 28 weeks now and the baby moves all the time.  I love feeling him move and my husband loves putting his hand on my stomach and feeling him kick.  It’s really fun to watch him feel the kicks.  I can’t imagine in less then 12 weeks I won’t have that feeling anymore!

So here we are at 28 weeks.  I’ve got an appointment next week and we start our birthing classes at the end of June.  We’re getting our newborn carseat from a friend tomorrow and I think we’re on our way!   My second shower, with my family, is in mid-June and then we’ll have to figure out everything else we need to buy.   Right now we definitely need the bedding, a changing table, diapers and wipes, some clothing, a base for the carseat (for my husband’s car), and the bassinet.   However, I’m wondering if the Pack-N-Play or Rock-N-Play can be used instead of the bassinet.   Thoughts?

It’s getting so real now and my husband and I can’t believe how quickly our lives will be changing forever!

Anatomy Scan + Registry

Where has the time gone?  In some ways it’s totally crawling slowly by and we can’t wait to meet this baby!  On the other hand it’s going super fast and we so aren’t prepared for this!   We’ve been dreaming of this for years and suddenly it’s like we can’t get anything done.

I’m currently 22+ weeks.   I can’t believe I’m here!  We had an anatomy scan 2 weeks ago and baby looked good.  In the 50th percentile for most measurements and weighed about 12 oz.  We got to watch on the ultrasound screen for about 45 minutes.  Unfortunately they weren’t able to get a good spine measurement so we have to get another anatomy scan in 2 more weeks.  Not that I mind, seeing the baby is amazing.

We did find out the sex and we’re having a boy!  Cue all the feels.   We are very excited but have no clue on a name.  We had a girl name already picked out but so far nothing has grabbed our attention boy wise.  We’ve got 5 names we think are ok but nothing great.   I’m hoping one of them grows on us or we hear a name that we love.

We started our registry last week and that was an eye opener.  I had a notebook with what we needed, what brands we wanted and such but once in the store we were shell shocked.  We ended up picking out a crib and some diapers and that was about it.  I came back home and did some hard core researching.

We then went to another store several days later and I felt better with our choices.   We still need to pick a stroller and carseat.   I’ve changed my mind several times on those.   I also need to compare checklists and make sure we’re registered for everything.   I’ve hardly bought anything myself because I still can’t believe this is happening.  So far I have a sling for me, a carrier for my husband, a few things of wipes and diapers, and 1 outfit.  That’s it.  We need a lot more stuff!

Anything you love or hate in the way of baby stuff?  Especially stroller and carseat wise?  We also need to get moving on the baby’s room.   I’ve got two tubs in there and I’m slowly moving stuff out but it’s taking forever.  My goal is to have it painted by the end of May and then to have it finished by the end of June.  That’ll give us a 2 month buffer and will be after both of my showers.

I’m very excited about my showers.   My work one will be in May and my family/friends one will be in June.   It’s getting so close!  I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready!

First OB Appointment

Well, nothing is easy.  Our first OB appointment was scheduled for Monday.  I woke up Monday morning to 3 inches of snow and a 2 hour delay at work.  Upon looking, every district between here and the 60 miles away where my appointment was had a 2 hour delay as well.   We made the decision to cancel which really upset me but turned out to be for the best as all schools closed for the weather.

When I called to reschedule they told me the next available appointment was…FEBRUARY 27!  WHAT?   I was really upset.   The woman asked if it had to be that office and I said it could be the other office if the appointment was sooner.  Turns out he was available on Thursday at the further office (about 70 miles away instead of 60) but I went with it.

We got to the office right on time.  It’s brand new and was super nice.  There was no wait to check in and they came for me right away.  I filled out paperwork, got my weight and my blood pressure.  They asked for a urine sample but I told them I already went since I didn’t know.

I was led back into a room and the doctor came in. He’s around 70 and totally hilarious.  He put my husband and I at ease immediately.  He jokes, told stories, and answered questions.  Then we had the exam.

He did a breast exam and a pelvic exam.  He also did a swab for some test.  He said that he could feel my uterus which it was a little early for but it was ok.   They weren’t doing an ultrasound since I’ve already had 3 which made me sad.  I think he knew it because he hooked me up to the doppler instead and we were able to hear the baby’s heartbeat which was reassuring.   He said I looked good, my uterus was fine, and he’d see me in 2 weeks for my NT scan and 4 weeks for another check up.

He spent about an hour with us.  He was funny, pleasant, and we were happy we chose him.  Unfortunately on the way out the door they told us he’s leaving in May.  We were so sad!   I thought this would have been the perfect person to delivery my baby because I’m a spaz and he’s so calm.  So we’ll have to switch to someone else in the practice later on in my pregnancy.

After that we went down to get bloodwork.  I also had to give my urine sample.  I got my results from the bloodwork already and everything looked good so that makes me feel better.   So now I just need to wait for 2 weeks to have the NT scan and I’ll be feeling somewhat better.   I can’t believe that this might really be happening!

We’ve done nothing to prepare because I’m to scared too.  I’ve gained 4 pounds in 11 weeks and 1 inch on my waist.  So pants are beginning to get tight.  I guess I’m going to have to buy some maternity clothes sooner then later.  We will be telling my family next week and I can’t wait!   It’ll be like a huge weight has been lifted that I can tell them. Then we’ll tell friends shortly after that.

10 Week Ultrasound and Infusion

I am 10 weeks exactly today.   The lack of symptoms has been a little worrisome but I’ve been trucking along.  I’m exhausted and go to bed around 9 every night and I sleep through the night except to get up and go to the bathroom once or twice.  I’ve had several awful headaches at night as well but I have had little to no morning sickness.  Occasionally I get nauseous when I’m super hungry but that’s about it.

So today I went in for my ultrasound.  I had flown on a plane last week and was nervous about this week.  Sitting in the room made me start getting nervous.  When the doctor came in he came in with my nurse and a student.   My husband and I looked at each other.  The last time a student came in for an ultrasound it was when I found out about my loss and I think the girl was as devastated as we were.

This time we didn’t need to worry.  As soon as he got the probe in we saw the baby…and it was dancing!    I mean, the babies feet were really going in there!   I started laughing and my husband was smiling.  It was so cute.   Then he focused in on the head and baby was sucking its thumb!   This kid is going to be like me because I’m always on the go and was a huge thumb sucker (just check out my overbite).

We listened to the heartbeat again and it was at 163 beats per minute and was measuring right at 10 weeks.  SO things looked good!   This was my last official appointment with my RE’s office which made me sad.  However, I still have to go back for at least one more, if not two, infusions.

My infusion today was fine.  My arm is a little sore and red but otherwise it went fine.   The nurses were so nice and they all came in to tell us how cute our baby was 🙂  SO all and all it was a great appointment.

Next appointment is on Monday at the OB office!   We’ll be meeting our new OB/gyn since we need someone attached to the hospital in that area.   I like my current OB/gyn but do not like our hospital in town so we won’t be delivering here.

FET monitoring

Could this time of year get any busier?   Thanksgiving week was a blur.  I went to my brother’s house and helped cook Thanksgiving dinner.  Then we came back to our place and I worked all weekend.   On Monday I had an IV infusion and my first monitoring appointment.

I had my ultrasound first.  The RE came in with my nurse and he checked me out.  He said everything looked good and my lining was at 12mm.  I then went back to get my bloodwork and infusion.  This was the tricky part.

In order to do both without sticking me twice they have to run the flexible needle and get a syringe on it for my blood draw.  Then they take that off and switch it to the IV drip.   It gets messy.  There was blood everywhere.   I just laughed because there is really no other way to do it and it stinks.

I did my infusion and it went fine.  Then my nurse came in to talk to me.   She told me she’d call and let me know how things were.  I was really hoping the Lupron preventing me from ovulating.  My nurse told me we would reduce the estrogen to twice a day on Wednesday, stop Lupron, and start progesterone.  1 cc of progesterone for 2 days then up it to 2cc after that.  If all worked out transfer will be Monday the 5th.

I got a call on Tuesday that my estrogen was at 250 and my progesterone was under 1 so we were good to go!   Wednesday and Thursday were a breeze.  I had a bit of a headache from the changing hormones but the PIO shots went fine.  Last night is where it went bad.  I’ve never had 2cc of PIO before.

My husband got the needle in and started  pushing in the oil.  It burned like crazy!   I cringed but he finished it.   It felt sore but I didn’t think much of it.  I got up this morning to a huge bruise.  It’s like 3 inches wide.  Today we did the shot on the other side and it was fine.  It bled a lot but it didn’t burn this time. I hope there isn’t another bruise.

So now we wait.   In 2 days we’ll go in for the transfer.  I hope my poor embryo thaws ok.  We have 2 frozen and I’m scared they won’t thaw.  They are going to transfer the good blast.  That means the fair expanding blast will be left.   This is it for us, our last 2 tries (if they make it).  Transfer is at 2:30 so keep your fingers crossed for me!

Are You Kidding Me?

I’m pretty sure the title of this post says it all.  If I ever have a normal cycle where everything is perfect I’ll be amazed.   If you remember, last cycle I ovulated way early and had the shortest cycle ever so I couldn’t do my frozen transfer.   This time I got AF on Wednesday and started taking my Estrogen.  I’ve already been taking Lupron for a week or so.

I wasn’t feeling so hot on Wednesday, I had a stuffy nose and was coughing.  Well I wake up Thursday morning with sciatica pain.  Now I never had sciatica pain until my second IVF cycle.  When they woke me up I was in horrible pain and it was from how they had me positioned apparently.  Well the pain is back.   I managed through it on Thursday and it was ok, just a little sore.

Friday I woke up and it was awful.  I couldn’t get out of bed on my own.  I could barely walk.  But, I was deteremined to go to work. This was cycle day 3.  I made it through hald the day before I cried uncle and went to urgent care.  They said my sciatica was inflamed and swollen.  They could feel it in addition to having me do some crazy exercises I couldn’t do.  I told them I couldn’t have anything Motrin or ibuprofin based so they gave me a muscle relaxer and a steroid.

I immediately called my RE to see if I could take anything.  I still couldn’t walk.  I got home and my husband had to help me to the couch.  It was so painful.   The RE said while he wasn’t thrilled about me taking either one that both were safe enough.  As long as I only took them for 5 days I would have 14 days without anything until the transfer and that should be good enough.

Saturday was rough as well.  I spent all day on the couch and never left the house.  I was still in a lot of pain.   On Sunday I ventured to the market but was quickly exhausted and sore.  I came home and rested.  I felt sore but not in pain so I felt like I was improving.

Today I was just sore again.  However I went back to work which was a mistake.  I was so tired and in pain when I left school.  Not as much pain as Friday but I could really feel it in my hip and thigh today.  I then had to come home and make dinner and cupcakes for school.  I’m pretty sure I overdid it. I’m on the couch now, just took my medications, and am waiting for the pain to stop.  Tomorrow is day 5 and the last day I can take my pills but I’m not sure I’m going to feel ok about that.  I’m in a lot of pain but I’m going to have to try and push through it.  I’ve got 1 day to chill and feel better.

My first monitoring appointment is next Monday.  I also have my infusion that day. Please keep your fingers crossed that my lining looks good, that I haven’t ovulated, and that all of my numbers line up.  I’m so ready to do this FET before the end of this year.   I’m really hoping this is our tiny miracle.  We’ve got 2 frozen but this will be my 10th medicated cycle and I’m ready to be done with them.


Let’s Try This Again

Well here we are again!   Attempt number two for my first frozen transfer.   As a recap I ovulated on day 10 last month and my period started around day 18 which has NEVER happened.  So I’m getting ready to start again.

I’ve been on birth control pills for 14 days and I’ve been on 10 units of Lupron the last 5 days.   Yesterday was my last BCP.  I go down to 5 units of Lupron tonight.   My period should be due around Wednesday.

My doctor and nurse are thinking the Lupron will cause me to not ovulate which is what I need.  Hopefully my lining still stays thick and we can do a transfer in about 3 weeks.  I have an appointment set for November 28.  I will be doing an IV Infusion as well as my monitoring appointment.  If all goes well I’ll transfer some time between December 3rd and 5th.

I’m having a hard time being excited because I was cancelled last time.  I was ready to go but then found my body was out to get me.  Fingers crossed we make it all the way to transfer this time!

It’s Official: My Body Hates Me

As the title says, my body hates me.   I was supposed to go back to the doctor on Saturday for a monitoring appointment to see if we could still go for a transfer.   However, on Friday I started spotting bright red.  I thought it was really weird since it was only cycle day 18 so I called my nurse to tell her.  She said regardless to come in so they could check things out.

Saturday morning I woke up to cramps, a headache, and a full blown period…on day 19.   WHAT?   In the 25 years I’ve had a period I’ve NEVER gotten one that early.   To my memory the earliest I’ve ever gotten a period was on day 24.  Since my normal cycle is usually 30 days this is insane.

I went to my chart and I did have dotted lines at day 12 so I could have ovulated then and my day 14 bloodwork suggested I had.   But even if I did ovulate on day 12 that would mean my LP was only 6 days long.  It doesn’t even make any sense but there you have it.

So I went in and they did a blood draw.   That was fun in itself since after the nurse got the needle in she went to put on the tube and it went flying across the room and my blood splattered all over the chair, my nurse, and me.   It was pretty gross but I stayed calm, looked at my nurse and said, “Happy Halloween!”

Then I went in for an ultrasound.  My RE seemed perplexed.   He said my lining looked a little off and he could see where I was bleeding.  He said it was odd because some of the bleeding was going towards my abdomen.   He said we would not be doing a transfer because he wants everything perfect and obviously something is wrong.

They got my results back and my estrogen was higher at 220 and my progesterone was fairly low but they said they can’t figure out why I ovulated through the estrace.   So new plan!   I was hoping that since my period started Friday we could just go ahead and cycle again but no go.  They want me on a birth control starting tomorrow for 14 days overlapped with Lupron to make sure I don’t ovulate next month.  So 14 days on the pill, get withdrawl bleeding, continue on with Lupron and start estrace.   So now we are looking at an early December transfer.   Just the time I DIDN’T want to transfer.  Who wants a crappy beta the week before Christmas??  Not this girl but that’s when it will be.

Stay tuned to see how things go.  I should have known I couldn’t just cycle with a pill.  That would be way too easy and my body is anything but easy as we know.

Monitoring for my Frozen Transfer

So it’s been a few weeks.   They’ve been busy with my baking, visits from my family, and working.  I’ve been feeling overwhelmed by a lot so thankfully this frozen transfer prep has been a piece of cake.  All I have to do is remember to take 2 or 3 estrogen pills a day.  However, apparently I could never remember in the morning before work so I would end up taking the pills at 4, 7, and 10 most days.   I tried!

So last week I did my IV Infusion and it was a disaster.  I’d had a rough night where I was dizzy for about 2 hours and my left arm was tingling.  It scared me so I didn’t want them putting the IV in my left arm where they normally do.  It’s my good vein but I was scared.  The nurses agreed to do my right arm.

Well the nurse doing it was freaking out a bit.  She hit my vein but went through it so they couldn’t use it.  After that she refused to try again because she didn’t want to hurt me.  I told her to just do it, it was fine, I could handle it, but she wouldn’t.  So my nurse (the head nurse) came in to do it.  She tried on the same arm and when she got the needle in the stupid catheter broke!   The needle popped right out of it and they had to remove it.  My poor arm was so sore.

So they went to my left arm, the good one, and got it started there.  Then everything was fine.  My nurse and I chatted and it was decided that I would have monitoring on Monday (24th) and my transfer Friday afternoon (28).  My lining is always good so they didn’t see it would be a problem.

I went in for monitoring on Monday.  My doctor described my lining as “luscious”.   He cracks me up.   It was at 12mm and had the tri pattern.   He said he couldn’t imagine my estrogen levels would be off because everything looked good.   Well, he was right in that aspect. My nurse called 2 hours later and said my estrogen looked great BUT my progesterone was high….too high.

They said with that amount it looked like I already ovulated and it was only day 14.  My normal cycles I ovulate on day 17 or 18 and even when I’m pumped full of my for IVF I don’t ovulate until day 13.  According to my charting it says I ovulated on day 12 but now my temperatures are back down so I don’t know.  They have me coming back in on Saturday to do another scan and bloodwork.  If my bloodwork is still high I’ll be cancelled.   If it looks good we will transfer next week.

I can’t believe this is what’s happening.  I was so certain I would transfer Friday which would have been great.  I could take the whole weekend to relax plus I have teacher work time Friday afternoon so I wasn’t even going to have to get a substitute!  So now we wait.  If I’m cancelled we’ll just start again next month but that will put my transfer close to Thanksgiving which isn’t good since I’m helping host at my brother’s house and I’ll be doing all of the cooking.