Tag Archives: pregnant

Third Trimester

I can’t believe how quickly the time is flying by!   So many things have happened in the last 6 weeks.   At 24 weeks we had our repeat anatomy scan.  Everything looked good and they were able to see everything they needed to see.  They said baby boy looked good and he weighed about 2 pounds!

The ultrasound tech asked if she could play around a bit and we found out they had a 4D machine!   She tried to get the baby’s face for about 45 minutes but he kept his hands over his face.  It was adorable.  She finally got a photo of his little face and it was love at first sight.  He’s adorable and looks a lot like my husband.  I can’t wait to meet him!

I also had my first shower 2 weeks ago at work.  It was really nice.   We had cake, I made cookies, and all my work friends came.  We got a ton of gift cards which I can’t wait to use, a Pack-N-Play, a Rock-N-Play, and Kick-N-Play Piano, some diapers, wipes, a swaddle, books, and a few toys.  Oh and the baby bathtub! Plus one of my work friends made us an adorable quilt I can’t wait to put on the crib. It was really fun.

We finally got rid of the bed in the baby’s room and I cleaned out all the furniture and the closet.  We’ve started packing things into the closet.   My goal is to have the room totally cleaned out, painted, and the crib set up by the end of June.  I’ll be 33 weeks then and we’ll be ready to roll.  We have 4 weeks to do this and I’m hoping we get it done!

I’ve also made it to the third trimester!  I still can’t believe I’m here.  I’m actually 28 weeks now and the baby moves all the time.  I love feeling him move and my husband loves putting his hand on my stomach and feeling him kick.  It’s really fun to watch him feel the kicks.  I can’t imagine in less then 12 weeks I won’t have that feeling anymore!

So here we are at 28 weeks.  I’ve got an appointment next week and we start our birthing classes at the end of June.  We’re getting our newborn carseat from a friend tomorrow and I think we’re on our way!   My second shower, with my family, is in mid-June and then we’ll have to figure out everything else we need to buy.   Right now we definitely need the bedding, a changing table, diapers and wipes, some clothing, a base for the carseat (for my husband’s car), and the bassinet.   However, I’m wondering if the Pack-N-Play or Rock-N-Play can be used instead of the bassinet.   Thoughts?

It’s getting so real now and my husband and I can’t believe how quickly our lives will be changing forever!

16 Week Appointment

I can’t believe I’m over 16 weeks!   Last week we went for our 16 week appointment.  The doctor looked over our NT scan bloodwork as well as our cell free DNA results.   We came out as low risk for everything so that was really good to hear.

I told work about the pregnancy about 2 weeks ago and everyone is just thrilled for us.  I didn’t realize how many comments people would start making but it seems that once you are pregnant people feel they can ask you just about anything.  It’s a little bit uncomfortable at times and at work it’s hard because the students don’t know yet but people keep asking questions.

My husband and I have also told most of our friends.   I shared with two of my friends at work before sharing with everyone else because we were going out to dinner with them and their husbands.   Going out was so fun and it was super nice because to celebrate they paid for our meals.   I thought that was really sweet of them and totally unexpected.

It feels like everyone is happy and excited for us.  The more people we tell the more real it’s becoming.   I’m still not feeling the baby move but the doctor said it’s early.   I don’t have much in the way of a bump either although over the last 5 days something is happening and I look like I’ve eaten too much.   My guess is I’ll have a full blown bump here in the next week or so.  But for now, you can’t tell that’s what it is, it just looks like a food belly.

We still haven’t done anything to prepare for the baby.  I know it’s still early but it just doesn’t seem real.   We do know which room will be the baby’s but that’s about it.  It’s still the guest room for right now.  I just started reading a pregnancy book last night.  We haven’t looked at any furniture, car seats, strollers, etc.   I’ve been asking friends for some recommendations but that’s about it.   I’m guessing we’ll have to at least look at furniture within the next few weeks.  I’d like to be ready in case the baby comes early, even if it’s only the room is finished and we have a car seat.

So what do you do to prepare for a baby?   I have no clue.  On my list is to go look at furniture, look at car seats, and register.   I asked the doctor about taking classes and he said they’d talk to me about that later on.  That made me nervous as our next appointment is at 20 weeks and we’ll be halfway through!   Classes are something I wouldn’t mind taking early because it’s not going to hurt anything to have some knowledge.

But back to my appointment, there was a 3rd year med student that came in first to look at me.  She used the doppler and had a hard time finding the heartbeat.  Normally I’d be worried but she was only a student so I didn’t let it bother me.  The doctor came in, answered my questions, and found the heartbeat right away.  It was 148 beats per minute.  Everything sounded good.

He also drew my uterus on my belly to show me how big it’s gotten.  He then labeled it “ute” in case I wanted to do show and tell with anyone later.  He’s a hoot.

So now we wait for 20 weeks for the anatomy scan which will tell us gender as well as how the baby is growing.  We also need to get started thinking about the nursery, our registry, my maternity leave, what we are doing after the maternity leave, etc.   There’s just so much to think about and there is no “to do” list I can find out there of what has to be done.

So question for everyone, what are the 5 most important things I need to buy for this baby?  What are 3 things that are a waste of money?   What is the most important thing to get done now?

8 Week Ultrasound

Things seem to have been going well.  I haven’t had much morning sickness which I worry about but my hips…oh my hips.   They’ve been super sore and painful.  I’ve also had night headaches and joint pain.   I often worry if these are bad signs.  I hope not.

Our 8 week ultrasound was on Wednesday.  I was really nervous.   We’ve never made it to 8 weeks before and I was so scared there was going to be no heartbeat.

We got to our appointment early but we were the only ones in there.  Apparently they were all waiting for us.  We went in the room and our doctor and one of the nurses came in.  I told them I was scared and they said I’d be ok.   The doctor put in the ultrasound probe and we saw the baby but neither of us saw a heartbeat.

The doctor flipped a switch and….we heard the most beautiful sound in the world!   Our baby had a heartbeat and it was strong and fast.  I looked and my husband and told him that’s what it was.  He didn’t know but when I told him he got tears in his eyes and just hugged me.  He is not an emotional guy but this really got to him.

We listened in and then looked at the baby.  The baby has a big head and tiny little arms and legs.  They kind of looked like flippers.  The doctor measured the baby and it measured 3 days ahead which we were good with.  The heartbeat was 176 beats per minute.  They told us everything looked great and the baby was measuring right where it should.

I was so happy.  My husband was ecstatic too.   I can tell this was what he needed as he now keeps referencing the baby.   I think he was too afraid to before.  I understand as I didn’t even want to think about it prior to this appointment.  I felt great Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday but then I woke up yesterday and started worrying again.

Yes, we’ve made it further than we have before.  Yes everything looks good but I know that doesn’t always mean it’ll end up good.   I’m hoping that the baby will continue to grow and thrive.   Our next appointment is at 10 weeks and then we have our first OB appointment at 11 weeks.  We still haven’t told anyone.  After our 11 week appointment (if we make it that far) I’ll feel ok telling my parents.  I think we’ll wait until 12 weeks for everyone else.

6 Week ultrasound

Yesterday was my ultrasound appointment.   We were supposed to go in at 1 but due to snow I called to see if we could come earlier and they said 10 was fine.   So we rushed around getting ready and then headed to the office around 10.   Initially my nurse had said we would do the IV infusion first then the ultrasound but when I got there they put me in the ultrasound room.  I’m glad they did.

My doctor and nurse came in and asked how I was feeling.  My doctor commented on my Wonder Woman socks and asked if my plane was waiting for me outside.  He cracks me up.  Then it was the moment of truth.   I had a little bit of a panic when he put in the ultrasound camera.  I didn’t know what I was looking for but after a few seconds my husband yelled, “There’s the heartbeat!”  He was right.

It’s funny that he saw it before anyone else.   The doctor told him that was the heartbeat.  He then showed us the sac and said it was perfectly round and in a good spot.  He measured the fetal pole and said it looked good.  I really couldn’t believe it.  There’s a baby in there!

He told me to sit up then talked to me about nausea.   I told him I have a little bit in the morning either before I eat or sometimes afterwards.   He recommended I take some B6 to help with it.  He also told me based on my height and body weight I need to gain a minimum of 27 pounds.  He then gave my husband a handshake and told me he was getting a hug.  I was so happy.  I hugged him hard and thanked him.  I’m sure I said it before but he had both of his children via IVF so he totally gets it.

I went back to get my IV infusion and my nurse came back.  She said I’m measuring 6 weeks and gave me a due date.  I’m not sharing that yet as I’m sure it will change at my next appointment.  She also handed me the petri dish our baby was made in and a CD with all of the photos from the separate egg and sperm, the ICSI process, a photo on day 1, 2, 3, and 5, as well as a photo before and after freezing.  How cool is that?

I know this is only the first hurdle.  With my first pregnancy the same thing happened but then the next day I started having some bleeding and miscarried within a week.   So far so good today.   I go back on January 12 and if we still see the baby growing I’ll feel much better as I’ll be 8 weeks then and I’ll just be more comfortable with everything.

I’m still on PIO shots but they are going to switch me to suppositories because my poor butt is hard and bruised all over.  I can switch back and forth if I need too.  We’ll see.   I’m not much for either one but I need to be on them until 12 weeks.

So, here we go again.  I’m really hoping this one sticks as my husband and I are no spring chickens.

The Aftermath and another Ultrasound

Saturday and Sunday were the hardest days I’ve ever had.  I stayed in bed most of the weekend crying.  I had to be coaxed out of bed by my husband to eat dinner on Sunday.   I was having a hard time facing the fact I would have to get up Monday morning and go back to work…to all my students.

Monday I woke up early and started my normal routine.  It helped to keep my routine.  I was like a zombie going around doing what needed to be done before school.  I got in my car and headed to school.  When I got there I was glad no one  else was around.   When my aid got there I had a hard time holding myself together but managed.

The worst part was when the kids came in.  After the weekends a lot of the kids need hugs and love and while I was more then happy to give it to them, that Monday it hurt.  All I could think of was that I might never have a child.

I got through the day and early the next morning we went back to the RE.   I lay on the table with my husband holding my hand.  The RE performed the scan quickly and then told me to meet him in his office.   He told me that there was no heart beat and that the baby had stayed the same size.   He let me know that I needed to decide if I wanted to let a natural miscarriage happen, use medication, or have surgery.  I promised I’d called the next day and left.

That ultrasound was easier then the first.  I was void of emotions and just stared at the screen and stared at the doctor.  I cried some on the way home and had to go to work when we got back.

The next day, Wednesday, I called the RE crying.  I told them that I wanted to have the procedure, that I couldn’t keep waiting for something to happen.  My brother was getting married on Saturday and I couldn’t risk having the miscarriage during his wedding.

I took Thursday and Friday off from work.  I already had Friday off for the wedding and took the whole day off on Thursday as I had to be at the doctor’s at 11.  They wanted to try to get the baby out in the office without any medication but once I got there and they saw how jumpy I was they knew that wouldn’t happen.

The RE took me into the room to speak with me.   He asked me what I wanted to do and I started crying.  I told him I couldn’t handle having my baby, without a heart beat, inside of me anymore.  He told me to wait and came back 10 minutes later.  He told me to be back there at 1 the next day for a D&C.

Well that’s all it took.  I really started sobbing.  I told him I couldn’t come back tomorrow that my brother was getting married out of town and I had to be there.  I was a total wreck.  My husband wrapped me up and told the doctor tomorrow was impossible.  The RE left again.

When he returned he told me that he had cleared his schedule and would meet me at the hospital in 1 hour.  He was going to do the D&C today.  I was so grateful to him for taking the time to do this that I didn’t even know what to say.  He told me to just get over to the hospital and he would meet me there.

IVF #1: My beta

On August 28th I had my beta drawn.  I got to the hospital at 7am.   I was a nervous wreck.   The woman at the registration desk got my name, my info, and sent me to wait.  Out came my favorite nurse to take my blood.

The blood draw only took minutes.  It had been 2 weeks since I had any blood drawn so it was easy to get my vein.   I walked out of the hospital and went to work.   I was pretty much a wreck all day long.   I could barely concentrate on the students and I checked my phone every 30 minutes.

At the end of my lunch period I checked one more time and saw that my nurse had called and left a message.  I waited until the other teacher in the room left and listened to the message.   I wasn’t sure I coudl handle anythign she had to say but I couldn’t wait until I got home.

Her message said that she was sorry she had missed me.   Then she said she wanted to give me the fantastic news that I was pregnant!   My beta results were 258 which was a great beta!   I couldn’t believe it.   I hit repeat and listened to the message again…three times.


I sat down hard at my desk and started shaking.  I didn’t know what to do.   I started teary up as I shakily called my husband.   He answered and I said, “I’m pregnant.”  He paused and then told me that was great.  I could tell he was in shock as well.   We talked for a minute and then I had to go.  I don’t remember the rest of the day.  I was too preoccupied with the results of my beta.

After 3 IUI’s and 1 IVF cycle I couldn’t believe it had finally worked.  I was pregnant.

Disclaimer:  The above results are from August 28, 2014.  I am writing about my infertility experiences up to this point.