Tag Archives: shower

Third Trimester

I can’t believe how quickly the time is flying by!   So many things have happened in the last 6 weeks.   At 24 weeks we had our repeat anatomy scan.  Everything looked good and they were able to see everything they needed to see.  They said baby boy looked good and he weighed about 2 pounds!

The ultrasound tech asked if she could play around a bit and we found out they had a 4D machine!   She tried to get the baby’s face for about 45 minutes but he kept his hands over his face.  It was adorable.  She finally got a photo of his little face and it was love at first sight.  He’s adorable and looks a lot like my husband.  I can’t wait to meet him!

I also had my first shower 2 weeks ago at work.  It was really nice.   We had cake, I made cookies, and all my work friends came.  We got a ton of gift cards which I can’t wait to use, a Pack-N-Play, a Rock-N-Play, and Kick-N-Play Piano, some diapers, wipes, a swaddle, books, and a few toys.  Oh and the baby bathtub! Plus one of my work friends made us an adorable quilt I can’t wait to put on the crib. It was really fun.

We finally got rid of the bed in the baby’s room and I cleaned out all the furniture and the closet.  We’ve started packing things into the closet.   My goal is to have the room totally cleaned out, painted, and the crib set up by the end of June.  I’ll be 33 weeks then and we’ll be ready to roll.  We have 4 weeks to do this and I’m hoping we get it done!

I’ve also made it to the third trimester!  I still can’t believe I’m here.  I’m actually 28 weeks now and the baby moves all the time.  I love feeling him move and my husband loves putting his hand on my stomach and feeling him kick.  It’s really fun to watch him feel the kicks.  I can’t imagine in less then 12 weeks I won’t have that feeling anymore!

So here we are at 28 weeks.  I’ve got an appointment next week and we start our birthing classes at the end of June.  We’re getting our newborn carseat from a friend tomorrow and I think we’re on our way!   My second shower, with my family, is in mid-June and then we’ll have to figure out everything else we need to buy.   Right now we definitely need the bedding, a changing table, diapers and wipes, some clothing, a base for the carseat (for my husband’s car), and the bassinet.   However, I’m wondering if the Pack-N-Play or Rock-N-Play can be used instead of the bassinet.   Thoughts?

It’s getting so real now and my husband and I can’t believe how quickly our lives will be changing forever!