16 Week Appointment

I can’t believe I’m over 16 weeks!   Last week we went for our 16 week appointment.  The doctor looked over our NT scan bloodwork as well as our cell free DNA results.   We came out as low risk for everything so that was really good to hear.

I told work about the pregnancy about 2 weeks ago and everyone is just thrilled for us.  I didn’t realize how many comments people would start making but it seems that once you are pregnant people feel they can ask you just about anything.  It’s a little bit uncomfortable at times and at work it’s hard because the students don’t know yet but people keep asking questions.

My husband and I have also told most of our friends.   I shared with two of my friends at work before sharing with everyone else because we were going out to dinner with them and their husbands.   Going out was so fun and it was super nice because to celebrate they paid for our meals.   I thought that was really sweet of them and totally unexpected.

It feels like everyone is happy and excited for us.  The more people we tell the more real it’s becoming.   I’m still not feeling the baby move but the doctor said it’s early.   I don’t have much in the way of a bump either although over the last 5 days something is happening and I look like I’ve eaten too much.   My guess is I’ll have a full blown bump here in the next week or so.  But for now, you can’t tell that’s what it is, it just looks like a food belly.

We still haven’t done anything to prepare for the baby.  I know it’s still early but it just doesn’t seem real.   We do know which room will be the baby’s but that’s about it.  It’s still the guest room for right now.  I just started reading a pregnancy book last night.  We haven’t looked at any furniture, car seats, strollers, etc.   I’ve been asking friends for some recommendations but that’s about it.   I’m guessing we’ll have to at least look at furniture within the next few weeks.  I’d like to be ready in case the baby comes early, even if it’s only the room is finished and we have a car seat.

So what do you do to prepare for a baby?   I have no clue.  On my list is to go look at furniture, look at car seats, and register.   I asked the doctor about taking classes and he said they’d talk to me about that later on.  That made me nervous as our next appointment is at 20 weeks and we’ll be halfway through!   Classes are something I wouldn’t mind taking early because it’s not going to hurt anything to have some knowledge.

But back to my appointment, there was a 3rd year med student that came in first to look at me.  She used the doppler and had a hard time finding the heartbeat.  Normally I’d be worried but she was only a student so I didn’t let it bother me.  The doctor came in, answered my questions, and found the heartbeat right away.  It was 148 beats per minute.  Everything sounded good.

He also drew my uterus on my belly to show me how big it’s gotten.  He then labeled it “ute” in case I wanted to do show and tell with anyone later.  He’s a hoot.

So now we wait for 20 weeks for the anatomy scan which will tell us gender as well as how the baby is growing.  We also need to get started thinking about the nursery, our registry, my maternity leave, what we are doing after the maternity leave, etc.   There’s just so much to think about and there is no “to do” list I can find out there of what has to be done.

So question for everyone, what are the 5 most important things I need to buy for this baby?  What are 3 things that are a waste of money?   What is the most important thing to get done now?

5 thoughts on “16 Week Appointment

  1. sewingbutterfly

    My son is 3 months now. 5 things I found helpful:
    1. Terry Toweling squares (old school cloth nappies) – best spew rags, burp clothes ever and as my son is spewy we use them a lot!
    2. Bonds Zippys – best clothes ever. Double zip so you don’t have to completely undress at each nappy change.
    3. BBox Diaper Caddy – a handy compartmented box that is easily transportable around your house so if bub needs something you don’t have to run to the nursery all the time (also good for putting remotes in for the tv if you get stuck on the couch under a sleeping/feeding baby)
    4. A decent Carseat – we picked Britax Millenia as it was highly rated for safety but was also easy to clean, install and reinstall.
    5. Playgym – my son loves looking and now chewing on all the toys. Gives me 30 seconds peace to whip to the bathroom if he is having a fussy day.

    Also, if I could add another, a wrap. Perfect for carrying newborns around the house so you have 2 hands to do stuff with, like eat!

    3 Things I didn’t use or didn’t need:
    1. Projector – my son didn’t really like the projector thing we had and I ended up not using it at all.
    2. Super fancy clothes – I thought I would love dressing him up in cute outfits….nope, whatever was the easiest for nappy changes and comfortable for him to sleep in.
    3. Baby bath – outgrown it already. Would have been better off with just getting a bath seat for the big bath or laundry sink.

    Halfway is an exciting point! I only started prepping after the anatomy scan came back clear.

    1 piece of unsolicited advice – if you intend to breastfeed – go and see a lactation consultant before baby arrives, get them to give you a quick rundown of everything one on one. Get measured for nipple shields and pump flanges etc. That way if you have to use a shield, you are already set! Plus, you will already know them if you need to see them after baby arrives. Ask them if they do home visits, bonus points for those who do.

    I formula feed my son, I am happy with how our journey ended up as he is happy, healthy and thriving. But I think that being more proactive about breastfeeding would have helped, I just underestimated how hard it could be to do.


    1. 26rainbow Post author

      Thank you for all of this! Very helpful information. I plan on taking a breastfeeding class at our hospital and I’ll get to meet with an LC then. I had no clue what goes into that but I’m definitely going to ask about the nipple shields and flanges. I’m clueless! Thank you for taking the time to write all of that out for me!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. sewingbutterfly

        No worries 🙂 that is great your hospital class includes an LC. You will probably be all set!

        Ask anything 🙂 I am a c-section, formula feeding, baby wearing, cloth diapering Australian. I am only 3 months in though, so definitely not an expert 😂 just winging it most days.


  2. bellelucecille

    16 weeks already. That’s great you are all doing well.
    5 things I couldn’t have lived without:
    1: Ergo 360 carrier. Our son wouldn’t let us move without being on us. It’s not only at 7 months we can put him down for all naps and is happy to play independently.
    2: love to dream swaddles for night and naps. Our son has never slept with a blanket. These swaddles are the best.
    3: Gro Egg digital thermometer. We knew exactly what to dress our little man in for night and day as this comes with a guid also.
    4: Britax car seat. Amazing.
    5: If you breastfeed – breast pump – Spectra. I used the Medela and had an ok output but got more than 160ml each time with my Spectra.

    The three biggest wastes for us would be:
    1: Cot and bassinet – From day 1 our little guy has slept on us or with us. We didn’t plan on co sleeping but with breastfeeding everyone gets so much sleep and is much happier. 7 months in and he has still never used either.
    2: bouncer: our son hated any sitting rocking or vibrating bouncer. If you do get one keep the receipt to change later if not liked/needed.
    3: Having too many newborn and not enough 6 month plus clothing. It’s crazy how quick they grow out of things. We now have to do a crazy big shop as our son is long but quite petit.

    If you do plan on breastfeeding a word of advice. Take as many classes as you can before baby and even after Bub. I armed myself with so much knowledge and was fine to formula feed if needed. It’s been 7 amazing months of hard work and sore nipples but I wouldn’t change it for the world and we haven’t had one drop of formula. The bond we have is incredible and I’m super lucky and our little guy took to Como tomo bottles so my partner can join in on the fun and give mumma a break from the nipples if needed.
    I loved all the classes we took and felt super prepared. I also encapsulated my placenta and believe strongly that this helped me avoid the baby blues and contributed to my milk coming in on day 2.

    I wish you all the best. And anything else, just ask away.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 26rainbow Post author

      Thank you for all of this! It’s super helpful. I do plan on taking a few classes at the hospital where we will be delivering. It’s an hour away but I feel like what I’ll learn will be very helpful since we are first time parents.



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